Australian Pilot with the Munchies Illegally Lands Helicopter on South Pacific Island

Nauru © Tatters:)

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A “sea crazy” Australian helicopter pilot stationed on a Taiwanese ship has been arrested for landing his helicopter on a beach next to the island of Nauru’s supermarket.

The pilot and his passenger, who illegally flew to the island in search of some sugary snacks, are now facing a maximum $100,000 fine for unauthorized landing as well as penalties for breaching Nauru’s Immigration Act.

Nauru is an island nation with a population just under 10,000 people it is the second smallest populated country in the world.

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  1. Why the heck is this illegal? Oh yeah stupid drug smugglers. :P

    I think this is cool.

    Too bad Europe is looking seriously at undoing the Shengen (sp?) accords which got rid of this problem for the EU.

    Many of my favorite memories of Europe are doing things like landing on sky runs and hopping out to sky the day….


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