Barcode Tracker Promises Quicker Luggage Retrieval

The Trace Me Luggage Tracker system might not exactly prevent the airlines from losing your bags, but it does seem to make lost luggage easier to find.

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The tag has a barcode and an individual serial number, which is then registered on an online database with your contact information. There is no GPS technology involved, and you don’t need to write down your contact details on the tags for the world to see. Most of the times when bags are lost, the paper tags are too damaged to identify the owner which means you can give up any hope of being reunited with your luggage.

With the Trace Me system, when your luggage is found, your serial number is fed into a computer or the barcode can be scanned to reveal your contact information. You will then be contacted though a text message telling you where your luggage is, and how you can go about collecting it.

Currently available for a one time fee of $24US, Trace Me protects your bags anywhere in the world.

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