Tourists Trapped on Arctic Ice Floe Safe and Sound

© Gerard Van der Leun

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It’s not the kind of thing you find on your average list of hazards to watch out for as a traveler. A group of tourists with the company Arctic Kingdom were trapped on an ice floe near Baffin Island, Nunavut after it broke off and went adrift during their tour.

The 50-kilometer section of ice broke off overnight Monday and floated out to sea, stranding the 30 American, Canadian, and Jordanian tourists, as well as some fishermen. The fishermen were able to make it to shore on Tuesday when their end of the island of ice came near shore. The tourists were adrift a while longer, but eventually the currents changed and they were able to get to shore.

The tour group required an airdrop of supplies, but otherwise the group was never in any danger. The expedition was properly outfitted for the circumstances and passed the time watching movies and presentations while they waited for the right conditions to facilitate their escape.

Read more about this in Macleans

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