No Disneyland Ride: Toddler Nearly Killed in Airport Baggage Handling System

A two year old girl narrowly escaped death when she hopped on to the conveyor belt at Manchester Airport, and was then taken on a hellish ride through the 4 mile long baggage handling system.

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It appears the toddler’s parents were distracted at the baggage counter, and the tot simply walked through an empty check in desk, stepped on the conveyor belt and managed to sneak into the luggage carousel. While her parents frantic with worry were mounting a search, the girl was making her way through a maze of X-ray machines. She’d gone about half a mile when her clothes caught on the walls of the tunnel, blocking and halting the system. When a staff member went to check up on the blockage, he found the girl inside, bruised, but safe.

Airport staff members say it’s nothing short of a miracle she survived. Had she made it further through the maze, she would have been decapitated by the metal arms that sort bags into separate dispatch areas, to be loaded on to different flights.

  1. So, how long before somebody posts a video on YouTube of themselves being carted around on one of these belt systems? There must be many really bored baggage handlers out there.

    Glad the kid made it safely though, sounds like a close shave.

  2. Jack: I’m sure that video’s “in the mail”, so to speak.

    There’s plenty of bored college students out there just dumb enough to try a stunt like this.

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