Next time, leave the polish at home  ©invertednailsystems
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We all know how long and boring flights can be. Jeanie Daniels decided to pass the time on her flight to Houston by painting her finger nails.
Daniels asked her seat mates if they would have a problem with the strong smell of the polish. Her seat mates gave her the OK until a flight attendant confronted her. Daniels got into an argument with the flight attendant prompting her to tell the attendant to “stop bitching at me”.
Once Daniels’ flight landed she was greeted by two police officers and immediately handcuffed. They interviewed her, the attendant, and a witness and took her away to the local police station for using ‘abusive, profane language’.
Daniels was eventually released, but spent 10 hours in jail. More details on the altercation can be found here.