Woman Sent to Jail After Painting Nails on Airplane

Next time, leave the polish at home   ©invertednailsystems

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We all know how long and boring flights can be. Jeanie Daniels decided to pass the time on her flight to Houston by painting her finger nails.

Daniels asked her seat mates if they would have a problem with the strong smell of the polish. Her seat mates gave her the OK until a flight attendant confronted her. Daniels got into an argument with the flight attendant prompting her to tell the attendant to “stop bitching at me”.

Once Daniels’ flight landed she was greeted by two police officers and immediately handcuffed. They interviewed her, the attendant, and a witness and took her away to the local police station for using ‘abusive, profane language’.

Daniels was eventually released, but spent 10 hours in jail. More details on the altercation can be found here.

  1. Good for Southwest. Common sense says you don’t use strong smelling chemicals while stuck in a metal tube with recycled air. Common sense also says you obey the flight crew, and you don’t call them vile names.

    I’m glad the flight attendant followed through.

    A couple of years ago on a Continental Commuter flight, I asked a flight attendant, if I could read the labels on a couple of different types of chips they were offering. I’m deathly allergic to peanuts. She screamed at me that “If peanuts are such a big deal people like you shouldn’t fly”. And she threw a bag of chips at me.

    This came on the heels of the crew repeatedly announcing we were going to OK City instead of Houston. I gave my neighbor the chips (they had peanut oil). I didn’t say another word to the attendant. I always wait till the plane clears before I get off. When I got off, I went to the counter and asked how to file a complaint. The poor gentleman on the counter pulled out a form and asked “Is this about the crew announcing the wrong destination, the attendant yelling at the woman who was allergic to peanuts, or both.”

    I told him both – I’m the one allergic to peanuts. He told me there were 11 people on the flight and he had received 11 complaints. 100% complaints that had never happened before. I got a follow up call were they offered me a voucher, which I refused and I was told the crew was being retrained.

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