Update: Man vs. Wild Fraud/Scam

I’m a bit loathe to call it “fraud” or “scam” because I don’t think that’s entirely accurate but that seems to be the accepted verbiage for this whole flap. And, frankly, that’s how people are searching for it, so …

Bear Grylls updated his blog today with a somewhat vague response to the whole thing:

Re: the recent press accusations of motels and stagings in the show that have been doing the rounds, all I can say is they don’t always tell the full story, but that’s life and part of being in the public eye I guess.

I think we all knew that on some level. As Tracee commented on my initial post about this whole thing: “The [New York] Post is somewhat tabloid-ish.” So it’s no surprise that they’d take certain liberties in reporting the story. Either way, I’ve accepted the whole thing and will continue to watch the show because I’m a sucker for anything survival related.

Bear confirms what Discovery had first reported about a week ago:

The upshot is we’re determined to make all new shows more inclusive of the crew and their role. Discovery and Channel 4 will also include a disclaimer at the start of the show so there’s no confusion.

So that’s good news as well, I suppose.

Founding Editor
  1. eThis show has seemed fake from the very beginning.

    I remember one episode where “Bear” was lost in the high country, and oh, came across a wild mustang, that was all alone, and perfectly tame!

    What would actually happen, is that horses, especially mares, only travel in social groups.

    Secondly, if you tried to approach a mustang, they aren’t going to be standing there, they would flee.

    Thirdly, if for some supernatural reason, the mustang let you near her, attempting to get on her, would most likely lead to the horse attacking and killing “Bear” or at the very least, buck him off.

    I’ve always figured this show is bogus, a kind of fiction, with a handsome man that appeals to people, including Oprah.

    Best, Arianna


  2. The show has always been about 1) Giving baseline advise on survival. He always gives interesting info on terrain, direction and stories throughout the show. 2) Working through a survival scenario. Its effectively a story with him in the middle. He does a masterful job of pulling you in and makes you almost feel the situation he is in. 3) Introducing a stunt or two in each show that are there for entertainment/education purpose only. I think it is obvious that he wouldn’t jump in the middle of an ice hole or quicksand if he didn’t have a crew with him.

    You always knew it wasn’t a true survival situation because he never had the panic or desperation one would have of being completely alone.

    The main thing for me is that it is my 6 year old’s favorite show and we have a ball watching it. It is such an extreme departure from the typical junk on TV that I can get by understanding it is a mix of reality/illusion/entertainment.


  3. I agree with almost everything you said, Chris.

    Except this:

    You always knew it wasn’t a true survival situation because he never had the panic or desperation one would have of being completely alone.

    Survivorman Les Stroud finds himself completely alone and without a crew in situations very similar to Bear’s. But he never appears panicky or desperate either.

    I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all to assume that an expert survivalist would attempt the things that he does without a crew.

    Regardless, it’s all academic anyway. I’ll still continue to watch and enjoy the show.

  4. Alall I can say is I never truly believed all your episodes with you supposedly being alone without help. Case in point anusing a lifejacket while floating down the river in the Rocky Mountains stuffed under your sweater. I do realize that your show is very entertaining with a flair of reality but very misleading as to the way you show people how to survive where most people would wind up getting killed following your advice.

    ChChris and Justin

  5. Hi Bear,
    You are truley amazing with what you do. Not many people who have a family would put themselves at risk to shows us the public how to survive and get back to our families if we were to get in to that situation! I can understand if you use equipment or hotels because you want to be there for your wife and kids once you have finished filming. I still belive that all your techquines work. You would no tell the public if they didn’t!!!!!
    What ever the press say about you, you are an incredible person ( i can see that even without meeting you!) The press over look what you have done in your life and only focus on the bad points!
    Bear keep doing Man vs Wild/Born Survivor because us the public love it and I enjoy learning new techniques.
    Don’t Listen to the press, it will blow over!
    I have FULL faith in you and what you tell us!
    All the Best

  6. If the press isn’t telling us the whole, true story then why doesn’t Bear tell it. If he really isn’t guilty of anything wrong he should make a clear story about what really happened with the motels and such.

  7. It’s typical British custom not to dignify stories in the tabloids with a reply. If TV viewers have the time to worry over whether or not a TV show host/actor stayed in a motel for whatever reason, they don’t have enough real problems to worry about.

  8. I’d agree with you, Oland, were this simply a tabloid-generated smear story. But it’s not. The underlying facts turned out to be true, as admitted by Discovery and Bear himself.

    To say that Man vs. Wild fans are simply too concerned over whether he stayed in a motel or not is grossly oversimplifying it. It’s akin to Emeril Lagasse “cooking” up a rotisserie chicken on his show and using a KFC dish to show as the final result. It’s sleight-of-hand and it’s dishonest. I, and I assume many other folks, hold The Discovery Channel to a higher standard of production. It’s TV and it’s entertainment, sure, but it’s also meant to be educational. As such, I think it’s their responsibility to reveal their hand a bit more than, say, American Idol or [fill in title of idiot reality show here].

    Lastly, regardless of British custom, Bear’s show is broadcasting on an American TV network so it’s rather lazy and arrogant to blindly hide behind the customs of his home country.

  9. The show is for entertainment, not for reality. Anyone who is saying bad things about Man Vs. Wild needs to get a life. Most of
    his tips are completely true (how would he know the names of everything) and I enjoy the show, like others who understand it.

    People need to be quiet, Bear is amazing. Thoough it is a slight disappointment that it was partially fake, Man Vs. Wild is still a great show.

  10. Its an entertainment show and I dont think its a fake or not but its still interesting.bear u r amazing.Keep going on.

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