US Teen Becomes the Youngest to Climb the World’s Tallest Mountains

Mount Elbrus ©Hombit

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Today in news that will make you feel like a complete and utter failure who hasn’t done anything with your life, a teenager from California has become the youngest person to successfully climb the highest mountain in each of the world’s seven continents.

Instead hanging out at the mall slurping an Orange Julius, 15-year-old Jordan Romero was hanging off the world’s highest peaks.

At age 10, Romero was the youngest person recorded to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. As if that wasn’t enough, three years later Romero became the youngest person ever to summit Mount Everest.

The kid Romero beat out for this record, George Atkinson from Britain, held the record for less than a year. Atkinson completed the seven climbs last May at the age of 16.


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