Výstavba cyklomosta pokraÄuje podľa plánu ©Bratislavsky kraj
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Slovaks have voted overwhelmingly in favor of naming a new bridge near the capital of Bratislava after action film and TV star Chuck Norris.
The new pedestrian and cycling bridge will span the Morava River north of the capital city to the Austrian village of Schlosshof.
The Slovakian public has been granted the opportunity to vote for potential bridge names via an internet ballot. As of Thursday, Chuck Norris Bridge received 1,157 votes ”” 74 percent of the total. The runner-up, Maria Theresa Bridge, after the Austro-Hungarian empress, has a scant eight percent of the total votes.
Voting will run until April, but the final decision is in the hands of a regional assembly. The regional governor, Pavol Freso, has stated that lawmakers will follow the people’s wishes and use the name of the winner of the online poll.
Of course, regardless of the bridge’s name, Chuck Norris won’t need to use it; Chuck Norris can walk on water.
Read more at Reuters.