Is There a Right Way to Spend Money When Traveling?

Here in Atlanta, I carry around McDonald’s gift cards for encounters with homeless men and women, build Habitat for Humanity houses and donate 3 to 5 percent of our family’s annual income to charity. In short, I’m logical about my giving on United States soil.

But when I travel to developing countries, all that logic disappears. The expanded power of a dollar, combined with what seems like infinite need, creates so many situations in which no answer seems appropriate. I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint.

An interesting read courtesy of NYT’s Practical Traveler.

Founding Editor
  1. I always find it hard travelling to developing countries, as you are always confronted with people on the streets that are have far less and are struggling to live day to day. I know I can’t help everyone, but I do buy a meal for the odd beggar every now and again. It means they aren’t hungry for one night, then hopefully I have made their day and they can see there may be some good in this world.

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