Booking Travel with a Mac? You’ll Pay the Price on

And the Mac v. PC debate continues ©Serigne Diagne

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Last week, the Wall Street Journal broke the news that Mac users are guided to more expensive hotels when using The company found that Mac users will spend as much as 30 percent more per night on hotels than PC users. With this finding, the company started experimenting with showing different offers to Mac and PC users, although Mac users are seeing an escalated price.

Orbitz could not be reached to comment on whether Mac users will continue to see different offers from PC users. More news on Orbitz’s booking offers can be seen at Reuters.

  1. Thefuck? At first I thought it was a statistics thing but they actually *charge* you more? Really interested in how that story unfolds.

  2. Just goes to show that people who are willing to pay 3-5x times the cost for their travel arrangements. I mean, why not? It’ll be more comfortable and enjoyable because it costs more, right?

    It’s not that they are CHARGED more, they are simply SHOWN the pricier options first. And, really, who can blame Orbitz for doing that?

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