For the last couple of weeks I’ve been testing out the new Throne Gold headphones from IMEGO. Out of the box, these big over-ear phones are an attractive, brassy hue and feel solid in your hands. While I wouldn’t bet on them being as sturdy as, say, any of V-MODA’s offerings, they’re certainly more durable than most headsets in the same price range.
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Throne Gold headphones from IMEGO
And they’re comfortable too. Most headphones have at least one uncomfortable point of contact with your head or ears. A spot where they hug too tightly, rub too often, and cause discomfort over long periods of use. But this is thankfully absent on IMEGO’s latest offering. I have a bad case of what some folks call ‘weird head’, so I worried my comfort in the Thrones might be a fluke. But I’ve since handed them over to two of my friends, both of whom confirmed it: these are some damn comfy headphones.
‘Comfy’ is where the exceptional performance ends however. The sound quality here is nothing to write home about, and audiophiles will not be bowled over. Don’t buy these if sound is first on your list of priorities.
The Bottom Line
If you’ve got a persnickety head, spend a lot of time listening to your music, and have $130 to spare, the IMEGO Throne headphones are a solid buy.