Witness the Grand Canyon in a Stunning 80,000-Photo Timelapse [Video]

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Grand Canyon : Blink of Time from GOTM Films on Vimeo.

In this stunning time-lapse video of the Grand Canyon, GOTM films:

… brings the viewer on a journey around and into the canyon. Over 80,000 photos were taken over the course of 7 weeks in April, May, and June of 2012 to make this film. During the production we were able to capture the solar eclipse that took place on May 20, 2012.

You may also notice there are two shots that are not from the Grand Canyon both are of Horseshoe Bend. We felt it was appropriate to include these shots into the film because the Colorado river is a main staple of the Grand Canyon.

This is GOTM Films first time lapse passion project and was funded entirely by us. Our goal was to show the scope of the Grand Canyon to those who haven’t had the fortune of visiting this natural wonder.

Founding Editor

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