Couch Surfing in a Jordanian Cave

Sandstone sure isn’t this plush ©wine me up

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One of the most unique “couches” available on (a website allowing users to create profiles of available housing to share with visitors) belongs to Ghassab Al-Bedoul. Al-Bedoul lives in Petra, Jordan and has offered up accommodations in his sandstone cave to visitors for the last four years.

Al-Bedoul is Bedouin, and like most Bedouin, they have made caves in Petra their home for hundreds of years. Since posting on, Al-Bedoul has had over 1,200 visitors. His cave dwelling has solar powered lighting and can accommodate up to 10 people at a time. Along with the free accommodation, Al-Bedoul often takes visitors on mountain hikes and tours through Petra.

More on the cave-based “couch” can be seen at

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