CordCruncher (blue)

CordCruncher Promises to Keep Your Headphones Tangle-Free Forever

Tangled headphones are the bane of the modern traveler. We’ve tested all manner of solution here at To be honest, most involve some sort of contraption around which to wrap your headphone cord. Problem is: that still takes time. And who needs the hassle when there’s so much Bieber to listen to?

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CordCruncher aims to solve the problem in a new and unique way. Upon opening the box, you’ll notice a pair of earbuds tightly encased in a short piece of surgical rubber tubing. The tip and buds are exposed on opposite ends like so:

CordCruncher (blue)

To extend, simply pull the buds away from one end of the tubing to reveal 3.5 feet of cord. Voila!

But here’s the trick … to set the cord back in the tubing, grab each end of the rubber and stretch like nobody’s business. The tube simply “eats” the cord – shortening the length down to a manageable eighteen inches. It’s a clever solution to a perennial problem – we dare say the best we’ve seen yet.

After two weeks of daily use, we’re in love with the CordCruncher and found it to work exactly as described.


The CordCruncher is available for pre-order for just $20 USD directly from

Founding Editor
  1. Flux headphones use tiny embedded magnets to prevent the cords from ever tangling – you should check it out. I’d rather pay once for headphones that don’t tangle than once for headphones and another time for a gadget to make them not tangle.

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