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Well-heeled travelers in search of gourmet food are steering away from traditional 4-star luxury restaurants and instead seeking out more authentic culinary “experiences.” These new “experiences” are being offered by a variety of locals from Italian aristocrats to ordinary grandmothers in Mauritius, who are opening up their homes to amateur cooks keen to master local dishes from simple traditional dishes to more complicated exotic fare.
One example of the growing trend is “Grandma’s Kitchen” at the Shanti Maurice Nira beachside resort in Mauritius. “Grandma’s Kitchen” is run by the grandmother of one of the hotel staff and is marketed as an alternative to the resort’s high-end restaurants. In her traditional Mauritian kitchen Grandma rustles up traditional Creole fare and entertains guests with stories before sending them off with handwritten recipes.
And for a mere 1,000 euros visitors to Venice can accompany one of the city’s aristocrats, Countess Enrica Rocca, to the city’s famous Rialto market to learn how to select fresh, locally-caught fish. Then the countess will aid her guests in the preparations of a traditional Venetian feast.
Read more about authentic culinary “experiences” at New York Daily News.