Colombia’s Underground School for Pickpockets

Pickpockets Love Tourists
© GrooverFW

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It’s comforting to know that even pickpockets know the value of a good education.

The School of the Seven Bells is a legendary, possibly apocryphal, and deliciously plausible school, said to be based in Columbia. Pickpocketing is largely a skilled combination of timing, and distraction, but South American pickpockets are particularly notorious.

There is, of course, an exam. Thieves-to-be are faced with a mannequin (or even a teacher) in a man’s suit, strewn with pockets, and rigged up with seven strategically-placed bells. They must pick the mark clean, without ringing a single bell.

The story changes with each telling: one version has it that the ”˜diploma’ consists of a fake passport to the United States, and entry into one of the major American city crime gangs. The school may have closed, or even moved to Canada. Whatever the truth, the legend won’t die.

Founding Editor
  1. I heard this exact same story told about Roma gypsies in Italy, bells and all, way back in the ’70s, and then I read it in one of those awful “ninja training” books in the ’80s, claiming it was a school in Japan for the shadowy figures. The school even had the same name in both stories. Funny how these things continue to live on pretty much intact with the exception of name, location, and outcome as they pass from region to region.

    1. Alright everyone, i’m tired of all the talk about this, it is real. It goes back hundreds of years, and has many different forms. When we are able to do it then we are ready for the streets on our own.

  2. Art form. Originally called School of 6 bells in SA. People surviving in Conditions the ” genteel” cant.

  3. They are back in western Washington and Vancouver , BC , hanging out in parking lots and gas stations, watching deliveries of cash to cash machines .The school is real .My Criminology professor at UCONN was an excon safecracker , who got went undercover in Bogota for his phd dissertation. Unfortunately his textbook is out of print. He pickpocketed the class when we handed in our finals , which was pretty funny .

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