Classy Hotels Rented By the Hour in London

Do Not Disturb ©SLR Jester

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Secret romantic rendezvous are getting a location upgrade thanks to a group of Parisien (of course) hoteliers. The website if offering hotels across 50 cities (mostly in France) with 80 in Paris and is currently launching in London.

The website allows guests to rent rooms in London during the day–usually for a 4 to 6 hour span. The idea is to make use of empty rooms during the daytime hours for guests looking for a quick nap, shower, meeting or something a little more naughty.

As one of the founders, Thibaud d’Agreves, delicately explains, the idea is particularly popular ”˜for matters of seduction.’

In the city of lights (and mistresses…) 95 per ent of the website’s traffic in the city of lights is for those conducting affairs – and 5 percent for work related meetings.

In London, it is projected that 80 percent of bookings will be for pleasure and 20 percent for business. These projections aren’t based on London’s–ahem–romantic reputation, instead on London’s status as a international business city.

Read more at the Mail

  1. “In London, it is projected that 80 percent of bookings will be for pleasure and 20 percent for pleasure. ”

    nice work if you can get it.

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