The Running of the Bulls ©
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Despite PETA opposition and an event permit denial, the town of Cave Creek, Arizona will be hosting its very own running of the bulls this October.
MSNBC states that the organizer, Phil Immordino, admits the American version has been tamed down a bit.
“The the bull run events, which started as a way to give a struggling rodeo some publicity, were “Americanized tremendously,” with escape routes and medical staff on hand, but it was “still fun and scary.”
Since the necessary permits were not granted the event will take place on private property. Participants are also required to sign an “in depth waiver” in case of injury or death.
But Immordino reassures MSNBC it is just a precaution,
“You know, there’s some bumps and some bruises, some people get knocked over, but these bulls don’t have sharp horns like they do in Pamplona.”
Well that’s reassuring.