The all-male staff at Mies Container©
It may be thousands of miles away, but for women wanting to turn the tables on the “delightfully tacky yet unrefined” Hooters chain, there is an answer to their prayers in Seoul.
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The general “theme” of Mies Container is a construction site, with the all-male wait staff dressing the part. A representative from the restaurant had this to say about the restaurant’s hiring practices:
We don’t discriminately hire staff based on their looks but we are focusing on hiring those with energy and masculinity. We agree to some extent about the comparison to Hooters. But we exhibit higher quality dishes, friendlier service and trendier design.
Most of the dishes at Mies Container range within the â‚©10,000-â‚©20,000 range, but be advised that there are long wait lines, and excited women.
The restaurant doesn’t have an official website but you can find more details here.