After 9,000+ Successful Jumps, Skydiver Dies In Crash Landing

© Brian Walsh

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John Scott died doing what he loved — skydiving. You’re not going to find many people more experienced than he was. Scott had 30 years of experience, more than 9,000 successful jumps under his belt, and was a skydiving and parachute instructor for both civilian and military clientele in Alberta, Canada. He was a former commander of the Canadian Forces Parachute Team, and an alumnus of the Canadian National Parachute Team.

It just goes to show that you never know when your number might come up. Scott was doing his last jump of the day, this one just for fun, when the landing went wrong and he hit the ground too fast and too hard. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Carpe diem, people.

Find out more about this on The Toronto Star

  1. As a 10-year long skydiver, I find this post to be void of any useful information.

    What are you trying to say here?

    What do you think we’ll get out of this?

    This is blank. It’s sad. It makes light of an awful situation. “It just goes to show that you never know when your number might come up.” <~~ Come on!

    Also, "landing went wrong" – that is far, far too vague. That's like saying "died in a car crash because driving went wrong."

    Sorry, I'm a huge fan and follower of Vagabondish, but this post is just a disappointment.

    1. @Ally: Thanks for checking in!

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