How to Put Leftover Foreign Currency to Good Use

Giving is good ©Images_of_Money

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Ever find yourself with spare Euros that aren’t enough for one last coffee at a European Starbucks? No matter the currency, there is a thoughtful and easy solution for your spare foreign change.

American Airlines, along with other international air carriers support UNICEF’s Change for Good program, which turns foreign currency donations into assistance for children around the world. The carriers collect change in-flight and at airline clubs. Over the last two years, the program used funds for HIV/AIDS prevention efforts in the Dominican Republic, earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan and drought sufferers in the Horn of Africa.

Ever find yourself with spare Euros that aren’t enough for one last coffee at a European Starbucks? No matter the currency, there is a kind and easy solution for your spare foreign change. American Airlines, along with other international air carriers support Unicef’s Change for Good program, which turns foreign currency donations into assistance for children around the world. The carriers collect change in-flight and at airline clubs. Over the last two years, the program used funds for HIV/AIDS prevention efforts in the Dominican Republic, earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan and drought sufferers in the Horn of Africa.

More on Unicef’s program and how you can help, can be found at

  1. In case you find many different former European currencies (which are no longer circulating and thus of no value to yourself) like german mark or maybe spanish peseta or Austrian schilling, irish pound, slovenian tolar, a.s.o. you can still easily exchange or donate to UNICEF with Euromoney24

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