Driving is a complex task that many people take for granted. More than 100 million Americans have valid drivers’ licenses, and the majority of these individuals have been driving for years. Despite this statistic, most motorists choose to renew their driver’s license once it expires rather than update their skills with a refresher course or professional lesson.
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If you’re planning a road trip with your family this summer, now is a perfect time to refresh your driving knowledge before setting out on the open road. After all, spending some time behind the wheel according to state law is not always enough to ensure your safety especially as conditions on the roads change as seasons come and go. Here’s why every driver needs to do some homework before hitting the road. In this article, we’ll go over three key reasons why it’s a good idea to refresh your driving knowledge before a road trip.
It Can Help You Avoid Accidents
Anyone with a driver’s license of any kind has taken a written test to prove they know the rules of the road and how to properly operate a motor vehicle. However, it is impossible to fully prepare yourself for every possible driving scenario you might face in your lifetime, and unfortunately, accidents do happen. Even if you’re an experienced driver, you may not be able to avoid accidents that occur due to factors beyond your control. The responsibility of knowing and abiding by state driving laws is assumed upon obtaining a driver’s license, but accidents do not discriminate. That makes it more important than ever to brush up on your driving knowledge before setting out on the open road and becoming responsible for the safety of those riding with you.
Laws and Regulations are Different in Every State
Even if you’ve been driving for years, it’s important to brush up on state laws and other regulations before setting out on a road trip. The best way to do this is by taking the BMV online test or a quick refresher course that can help ensure you know the rules of the road wherever your travels take you. Although you may be familiar with local driving laws, they vary from state to state. Some laws can even result in a driver getting pulled over and ticketed for actions that are considered common practice in another part of the country. Therefore, you must be up-to-date on the laws of every state that you will be traveling through, and even those states where you plan on driving through but not stopping.
It Keeps You Aware of Upcoming Road Changes
Many large cities have begun to offer alternative methods of transportation such as public transit and ride-sharing services. However, these new modes of travel can contribute to increased traffic and congestion along well-known routes during rush hour, not to mention the confusion they can cause for less savvy drivers who may be visiting a city or area for the first time. Refreshing your driving knowledge before your road trip can help you become aware of upcoming changes to your route, whether it’s construction, an accident, or another unpredictable circumstance that can lead to heavy traffic. You’ll then be able to find an alternate path to ensure that you arrive at your destination on time, and legally.
It Can Improve Your Response Time
Although some drivers will claim that age does not matter as long as they are physically able to operate a vehicle, this simply isn’t true. As we get older our reaction times slow down as well as our ability to multitask behind the wheel. This is why refresher courses are recommended to drivers of all ages, especially those older than 50. Since a majority of the driving population is middle-aged or elderly, being prepared for any driving situation can mean the difference between life and death for everyone on the road. In addition, experienced drivers who have been behind the wheel for countless hours may hit a mental roadblock when it comes to finding an unknown address or adjusting to new traffic patterns. In these cases, having a refresher course can help you avoid dangerous mistakes, and even save lives.
It Keeps You Up-To-Date On The Road’s Latest Technology
Vehicles are constantly being upgraded with new technology that helps improve safety for drivers and passengers alike. Since these advancements are not standardized across all makes and models, your driving knowledge must be as up-to-date as possible. For instance, many motorists fail to realize that rearview cameras which can aid in backing out of a parking spot have been standard equipment on most new cars for years. Fortunately, keeping up with the latest upgrades across all vehicle types is easy when you know where to find information on the newest updates and how they affect driving safety.
You must understand the value of staying up-to-date on your driving knowledge before setting out on a road trip. Although accidents can happen to anyone, having current knowledge of local laws and regulations can decrease your chances of being involved in one. In addition, being up-to-date with the latest safety features present in most vehicles will keep both yourself and the people riding with you safe at all times.