OK, I’ll be among the first to bite on this one …
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Matthew Danzico has started a website to promote his Around America in 2.0 online travel video project. I’m not sure I quite get the name of the project, but the gist of it is this:
Around the America in 2.0 is an Internet-based film project created to explore trust and connectivity. The primary objective of the project is to rely solely on users of video sharing websites, such as YouTube, for food, shelter, and transportation during a trip around the United States. On July 16th of 2007, a brief video clip was spread throughout the Internet community asking viewers to transport a young reporter named Matt Danzico from one online user and community to the next across the entire country within a period of 80 days. During the trip, which will tentatively begin September 15th of 2007, Matt will create a weekly online television program documenting both his experiences as well as those of the volunteers participating in the experiment.
Perhaps my geeky internet self is becoming a bit jaded, but this sounds like just another attempt at shameless self-promotion via a viral video.
Good on him for that though! Way to embody the entrepreneurial spirit! I can appreciate someone putting themselves out there like that because this thing is either going to tank or really take off with Matt Lauer interviews, cable spots with Larry King, and such.