Signspotting: Racists, Sexists, Homophobes and A**holes Not Welcome, Seattle

© Losttrekker

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That pretty much clears it up. What about self-loathers and sign-haters though?

Founding Editor
  1. this sign looks photoshopped to me. I dont accuse a lot of things of being photoshopped but if this were real then the red should be more faded and (most importantly) the letters would point outwards and not inwards so from this angle you should see the mirror image. of course I could be wrong but that is what it looks like to me

  2. Hm. I’ve definitely never seen this before. Judging by the background, it might be on capitol hill, or maybe georgetown.

  3. Business is catering to its core customer base which out numbers any of the not wanted clientele.

    Sound business practice.

    They have their country clubs to go to.

  4. does speaking in a third person qualify you as an asshole?

    ” speaking in the third person.”

    Oh yeah! But Jimmy’s all out right now. Moving to Manhattan set
    Jimmy back a bit.

  5. i want to know where that is so that i can give the person who put that in the window props for standing up for the general population!:)

  6. Didn’t Kurt Cobain say this once???*He didn’t like those kinds of ppl* AND uhhh i might b wrong but isnt he frm Seattle???

  7. Seems to me you’d have to be at least a little bit of an asshole to put this sign up.

    And of course the sign’s useless because the asshole thing to do upon seeing the sign would be to go in anyway, even if you hadn’t been planning to. just to be an asshole.

    I would lol.

  8. I don’t care if it’s real or fake, I agree with the sentiments they’re trying to express. AND, I support a business being selective about clientel. If it results in less business, they die. If not, they exist. Why go where you’re not wanted? Life is hard enough. If it said,”Fag hating, sexist black males ONLY.”, I damn sure wouldn’t be intereeted in going inside and in fact would rather appreciate not having to do the filtering of assholes myself ( as I think such a crowd would be ).

    The sign is merely saying,”Most of our crowd is NOT going to be much fun for you if you are a sexist, bigot, or homophobe” ( though probably ‘bigot’ covers the last two ). So if I were some inbred, pot bellied, racist with an extra case of the angries against women and blacks too, I’d know now to go into such a place.

    Makes everyone’s lives easier imho and the haters get to keep hating, but somewhere their loudmouthed hating will be “appreciated”.

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