Beijing is all wrapped in a flurry of activity before the Olympic Games open in June this year. Billions are being spent to ensure the city puts its best foot forward. Subways and roads are being spruced up, and entire neighborhoods have been razed to give the city a face lift in time for the opening.
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© Reuters
Among the million of things Olympic organizers have to deal with is the selection of nearly 400 medal presenters to take part in the ceremonies at the Games. Thousands of girls are being primped and polished to create perfectly smiling and well groomed specimens of femininity in time for the Games. Competition is stiff, and training intensive — from walking with a book balanced on their head to smiling the perfect smile with only the eight top teeth showing (not nine), girls are perfecting their carriage to win the coveted spots in the medal ceremonies.
Physical stipulations for hopefuls ensure few will make the cut — they must be at least 1.63 meters tall, and mustn’t be “too heavy.” Human rights organizations have been quick to cry discrimination, but that hasn’t stopped thousands of girls dreaming dreams of glory on the world’s stage when all roads lead to Beijing.