Man Vs. Wild Premieres Tonight

Bear Grylls in Jungle

I’ve apparently had my head in too many LP guidebooks lately, because is reporting that the new season of Man vs. Wild is premiering tonight! Where have I been? Even better: the episode is based in the Florida Everglades about two miles from where I grew up.

Here’s the inside scoop on tonight’s episode:

(World Premiere Friday, June 15, 9 PM ET/PT)

This premiere episode finds host Bear Grylls stranded in the swamps of the Florida Everglades, where each year at least 60 tourists need to be rescued. With more than a million alligators, thousands of snakes and even black bears roaming these waterlogged lands, the area has more than its share of hazards. Bear demonstrates how to keep alligators at bay, deal with vicious razor-sharp grass and find stomach-churning food that will keep you alive if you find yourself stranded in this beautiful but dangerous destination.

Photo courtesy of

Founding Editor
  1. And here I was thinking it wasn’t newsworthy to share tonight’s launch of the second season.

    I saw a National Geographic show on the problem with non-resident reptiles invading the Everglades, specifically Pythons. The show centered around one that ate a 6 foot alligator, however was found split open with it’s head knocked off. Forensic scientists determined it was likely the snake didn’t die from eating the giant alligator, but from another alligator attacking it while it was lethargic and digesting the thing.

    Good luck Bear!

  2. I never realised you had Bear the other side of the pond! That guy is insane, I saw him stab a turtle and drink it’s blood “for protein”. I’m kinda hoping I’m never in that situation!

    You know, I saw him interviewed and he is the most nervous, shy guy you’d ever meet, his lack of showmanship just made me respect him more so! Right, pass me the turtle I’m thirsty!

  3. Bear is the definition of hardcore…with an alias like that, he has to be! :)

    I want to see an episode about the camera crew…those guys do some crazy things to keep up with him and never get any credit!

    – Greg

  4. Dave: please make sure you share all launches of cool TV shows in the future, especially with those of us (me) who aren’t paying as close attention to such things as you. At the very least, I’ll appreciate it!

    Ant: Yeah, a few interesting scenes that stand out in my mind were: watching a much-too-dehydrated-Bear squeeze precious few drops of moisture out of elephant dung straight into his mouth. And seeing him feed on zebra meat straight off of a carcass that was probably killed by lions about twenty minutes prior. Seriously, what vehicle must one use to cart around balls that big?

    Greg: If I were him, I’d change my name to just “Bear”. Forget the last name. Then I’d be among royalty like Madonna and Sting. I’m always thinking about the camera crew. Does he actually go the entire distance of the show without talking to them at all? Or is that just hype?

  5. If I didn’t have a TiVo already, I think this show, Survivorman, and Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations would convince me to buy one!

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