Andy Rutledge, chief design strategist for a new media company, is an inspiration for me both personally and professionally. In a recent blog post titled Life Lessons, Andy shares this bit of wisdom:
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How did I get what I have now? How do I get to do what I do now? Almost all of the good stuff in my life came from swallowing fear and inhibition and daring to ask or daring to do all I could to get what I knew I wanted. I didn’t have to fight or claw for it and I didn’t have to hurt anyone to get it. I just had to be willing to leave my comfort zone and do what was difficult. I expect that this is true for anyone who has good in their life.
The rest was luck. But we make our own luck and only a fool believes otherwise. Luck = preparation + opportunity. If we’re not prepared, we’ve got no use for opportunity. I’ve found that when opportunity knocks, it knocks very softly and we may try and tell ourselves that we’re not worthy to answer the door. Crush that idea right now. If you’re not worthy, answer anyway and make yourself worthy before anyone catches on.
Dare to ask for what you want. It’s the only way to get it, unless you’re the sort to leave things to fate. But fate is not kind and doesn’t suffer fools. If you want to do something, do it. Your alternative is to live with regret and regret makes a poor life partner.
As for parting advice, I’d just say that if opportunity isn’t knocking on your door, go knock on its door. Bang on its door. Kick the damn door in.
Bottom line: whether you’re trying to make your way in the world of professional travel writing or wondering if you should give up your plush, comfortable life as you know it in favor of long-term travel, just do it. You won’t regret it.