We’ve all done it; the taxi is hitting the horn, you’ve still got sleep in your eyes, you force the zipper closed on your bags, take one last look around the room for anything left behind, and you leave”¦.
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”¦.Only to remember, once you’re halfway to the departure lounge, that you left your toiletry bag in the bathroom.
You know — the toiletry bag with the thing in it. The thing nobody was supposed to know about”¦
Tripso.com’s Amy Bradley Hole called a few hotels to find out what their most often left behind items were, and the results may shock you. Here’s a taste:
- Drugs — Hey, sometimes you’ve just got to leave in a hurry, you know? Especially when the DEA agents are hitting the door with their shoulders.
- Guns — The NRA would be horrified, but who seriously wants to go through the hassle of getting an Uzi through customs?
- Unmentionables — Not all underwear is edible.
- Booze — Okay, that’s just crazy. Who leaves good scotch behind in a Motel 6?
- Animals — Timmy comes home with a feral otter after a trip to the beach”¦ what’s a mom supposed to do?
- Lice — Seriously.
- Cellphone chargers — Finally, something on this list that I can relate to!
Personally, I believe the best way to ensure you leave nothing behind is to LEAVE NOTHING BEHIND. Steal it all; soap, shampoo, iron, TV”¦
Take everything. Leave nothing to chance.