You’ll Pay When I Say You Pay! © John Haslam
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In the remote Indian town of Korawan, there’s a bank that deals exclusively in the lending of goats. reveals how it works:
In [the] tough terrains of Mirzapur district, most of the people are engaged in crushing stone to earn a living.
“Wives of these people help them in crushing stones and breed two-three goats for additional income,” Singh said.
“Though the area is best suited for goat breeding, no effort was made to establish it as a full fledged business activity,” he said.
“We provide goats to women having interest in taking up breeding as a full-time activity as loan. When a goat gives birth to kids, generally two to three in numbers, one of them is deposited with the bank again,” Prema explained.
Goats in the bank are medically examined every week.
“In case a goat dies, then it is either replaced from the market or from the bank depending upon the availability,” Prema said.