How to Learn a New Language 1 Week Before Your Trip [Flashback]

One year ago today, Amanda Kendle showed us How to Learn a New Language 1 Week Before Your Trip:

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Speaking a bit of the local language is a skill that will improve your travel experience immeasurably. The problem is that learning languages is really, really difficult, even when you have plenty of time. Here are my tips on taking a crash course in the basics of a language when your departure date looms very near. You just need ten or fifteen minutes a day to give yourself a bit of an advantage in the traveling stakes.

Okay, so you won’t be fluent in seven days. But at least you won’t wet yourself in the lobby of a Holiday Inn while struggling in vain to enunciate “Where’s the toilet?” in Mandarin.

Check out the full post and share your rapid language learning techniques with us in the comments section.

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