Geneva’s Musee Rath © clare_and_ben
Place Neuve is home to Geneva’s cultural trifecta: the Grand Theatre opera house, the music conservatory, and the Rath Museum. The Rath sits next to the Grand Theatre like the opera house’s little sister, but don’t let the size fool you–this is one of the largest rotating collections of art. But don’t let that or the temple-like building (it was, architecturally speaking, conceived as a “temple to the muses”) fool you, either–the temporary exhibitions housed here are not your grand-mere’s art shows. It’s an exciting museum that lives up to its standard as the first in Switzerland to be devoted to the fine arts; yet its small enough to cover without lapsing into gallery coma.
Last exhibition I saw at the Rath was perfectly timed to coincide with the Theatre du Chatlet’s production of Wagner’s Tannhauser: a collection of artistic representations of the composer and his operas, from Gotterdamerung to Tristan und Isolde to Die Walkure.
But don’t think they’re trying to talk over your heads with one of the men responsible for high art–the exhibition included listening stations, an interactive biography, and some of the most beautiful combinations of pictures and music. What a way to spend a brisk fall afternoon. You can feel the kinetic art energy swelling in Place Neuve. Best of all? First Sunday of the month, it’s all free.
Oh, and stop by the gift shop on your way out; the museum generally runs a survey or two and will give you a free postcard of your choosing for filling it out (they have it in English as well as French). And who doesn’t love (free) portable art?
Musee Rath
Place Neuve 2
1204 Geneve
Tuesday, Thursday-Sunday 10 am – 5 pm, Wednesday 12 pm – 9 pm, Closed Monday
CHF 9 for Adults, CHF 5 for Students, Children under 18 Free
Free First Sunday of Every Month