Over the last few years the popular, if questionable, Fung Wah Bus service on the US east coast has provided less-than-safe transportation. With several crashes resulting in fatalities, including an accident involving 2 pedestrians just this past weekend, it was only a matter of time before they were shut down. Wait, no … I mean slapped on the wrist and given a time out.
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Latest Fung Wah Bus Crash © –Filippo–
In an article Tuesday the Boston Globe claimed that the US Government had demanded the shut-down of the Fung Wah Bus company. However, as was later revealed in a series of “Updates” in this article by The Atlantic Wire, no municipality has the power to shut down a transit system. The actual situation appears to be that the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities petitioned DOT to order said shut-downs.
While the future of the Fung Wah Bus service is in limbo, the company is still up and running using chartered buses to shuttle their passengers between different Chinatown cities on the east coast.