I’m not going to lie – traveling solo around the world scares the hell out of me. And when the U.S. State Department releases warnings every other day about how Armageddon is upon us in every corner of the globe, why shouldn’t it? So many questions, so many unknowns. Not the least of which is how well (or not) American travelers are received around the world.
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Then I read in-the-trenches experiences and blog posts like this that give me hope:
Before we began our travels, we were curious how people would react to us as Americans during a time when our country isn’t very popular around the world.
Six months in, I’m happy to report people are very capable of separating citizens from governments.
From Tanzania to Vietnam to Argentina, we’ve encountered nothing but friendliness.
Sure, it’s one couple’s anecdotal evidence – not exactly a large, scientific poll. But it’s a glimmer of hope all the same.
To any fellow travelers, what have your experiences been? Are Americans treated with kid gloves around the world? Or are we the political and cultural scapegoats the media and the State Department portray us as?