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Hangboarding – a new craze coming to a ski slope near you – is a combination of hang gliding, snow boarding, and well, sheer lunacy. Basically, you climb on to the hang board which is an apparatus suspended from a crane like contraption. Once strapped in, you’re suspended in air above the board. You make use of a T-shaped bar to navigate your way down the slope.
And yes, to make sure that you have absolutely no chance in hell of surviving a crash your feet are clamped into rudders at the back, which you then use to navigate the slopes.
The hangboard is the brainchild of Canadian inventor Don Arney, and a company called the Hangboard SnoFlight is readying for the commercial launch of its hangboard. There’s expected to be quite the market for hangboarding as tow ticket prices at ski resorts increase, and people look for other ways to frolic in the snow.