Bizarre Culture: All Aboard the Cram Train [Video]

This “cramming” concept is so inconceivable in the U.S. that I just have to laugh.

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Anyone know what country this is from?

Founding Editor
  1. @DD Evidently this is common practice on public trains/subways in Asia. Not sure about the rest of the world. I guess when overpopulation is rampant, there is no other option. You’re right though: scary nevertheless.

  2. yes, I think Japan. I have seen/experienced this around Tokyo, but from the middle of the car, i.e., haven’t had somebody pushing on my back trying to cram me into the car.

    In the middle of the car, it is so crammed you can pretty much go go sleep standing up — no chance of falling over!

  3. Hey, I’m from Mumbai (Bombay India). Try getting into our trains during rush hour. My sisters and I just saw this an exclaimed, “We dont get people to push us in. We gotta do it ourselves!” ha ha

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