Australia Claims Its Rightful Handle

© marragem

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Australian tourism officials are claiming victory in a battle that has occupied their attention in recent years. The Twitter handle @Australia is now under their control.

Unlike other tourism bureaus who dispatch tweets from accounts bearing the name of their country such as @Great Britain, Australia has been unable to do so because another user laid claim to the username @Australia in the early days of Twitter. Then, much to the dismay and frustration of Tourism Australia, the account was left dormant for years, with only one tweet to its name.

Over the years, Tourism Australia has employed several tactics in its attempts to gain control of what it viewed as its rightful handle on the influential social network, including trying to track down and negotiate with the person who registered it. Ultimately it was successful in petitioning Twitter on the issue. Twitter’s terms and conditions stipulate it retains the right to remove inactive accounts, and they appear to have invoked that rule in this case.

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