Study: Ships Pollute More Than Planes

Via The Register:

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Ships pump out twice as much carbon dioxide as planes, according to new figures from the maritime industry body Intertanko.

Previous studies from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) have shown that ships emitted levels of CO2 similar to those from the aviation industry. But Intertanko says emissions have risen steeply over the last six years as ships are sailed faster to meet the demands of the planet’s growing economy.

Although mile for mile, shipping is still much more efficient than driving or flying goods from place to place, it is the sheer volume of the traffic criss-crossing the seas that is the problem. Some 90,000 vessels cut regular channels through the oceans, burning low-grade “bunker fuel” that churns out choking fumes that contribute to air pollution over land.

Transportation options for environmentally conscious, globe trotting travelers are shrinking every day. Pretty soon, the carbon offsets required to counterbalance every traveler’s lifestyle will be so prohibitive, we’ll all be following in Jason Lewis‘ footsteps and paddling/cycling/walking our merry ways around the world.

Perhaps he’s on to something …

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