Rampant Rat Problem Damaging NYC Tourism?

Absolutely no one likes a rat, a city official said on Tuesday, demanding $1.5 million be restored to the budget to be help control what he called Manhattan’s horrific rat problem.

Seeing vermin running amok on city streets and in subway tunnels is a turn-off for tourists, said Manhattan Borough president Scott Stringer.

“They don’t want to come here and share their vacation with a New York City rat,” Stringer told Reuters.

True dat. More via Reuters.

Founding Editor
  1. crap! has it really become that much worse?? they are absolutely my biggest fear, and while living in nyc i eventually conditioned myself not to freak out about them by watching them in the subway down by the tracks. there were only a couple of neighborhoods in manhattan at that time where they weren’t afraid of humans and you’d see them regularly.
    more concerning than whether or not others are afraid or “turn(ed) off” by them like i am, are the health effects of having them everywhere. being scared i can get over, getting sick, totally different! thanks for writing about it and really hope they get it under control.

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