Introducing:, The World’s First and Only Backpacker Porn Website

It’s been more than 18 months in the making. After thousands of man hours and nearly a quarter million dollars in venture capital, it’s finally here. Today, we’re announcing the launch of our boldest, most audacious venture to date.

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Introducing the world first and only site dedicated exclusively to hot, sexy backpacker-only action. With a media library of thousands of hot backpacker videos, tens of thousands of never-before-seen photos, and much much more, will show you backpackers and budget travelers like you’ve never seen them before!

We’ve got hidden hostel cams, secret in-backpack shots, naughty hitchhiker videos, lurid tales from travel writers you’ve never heard of, and lots and lots of coy Swedish girls on rollerblades. Seriously … Swedish girls … on rollerblades. Did you hear what I just said??? (Homepage screenshot)

PLUS: We’ve got a surprise for loyal readers! Register today and receive exclusive access to hot, raw pics from our photoshoot with editor, Mike Richard. See what’s behind the uncomfortably tight jeans and smart collared shirts, when he bares all in nothing but his infamous red bandana! Access is limited to today’s new sign-ups only, so register now! (Simply enter your e-mail newsletter subscriber ID at sign-up)

BGW Photoshoot Editor, Mike Richard (actual photo)

Thanks again to our loyal readers, fans and subscribers! Without you, and our growing network of high quality travel sites would not be possible. This is just our way of saying thanks.


Founding Editor
  1. It wouldn’t be a backpacker porn website unless you show girls in clothes that haven’t been washed for days . . . and days . . . and days.

    Hilarious, by the way.

  2. I knew it the second after clicking the link. As it was downloading I thought “Oh no! ‘April fool!’ Right?” And I thought I was being so careful today.

  3. Great joke. I believed that it is real until I read “hidden hostel cams”, which sounded like too much for me.

  4. Gloriously Wrong. A+ effort. :)

    “Hi there – I’ve just moved into the couch in the room next door, and I seem to have just run out of squeezy walking boot wax protector.”

    “Well hi there, well, I’ve got something else you could squeeze instead. Although I do have to warn you, I haven’t had a wash since Monday.”

    “That’s okay. I haven’t had a wash, ever!”


    Yes, this has potential. Horrible, horrible potential. Thank you for opening this can of worms, guys.

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