If the World Had Only 100 People in It [Video]

A fascinating microcosm of the world, assuming there were only 100 people in it. It’s humbling, shocking and, in the end, just sad.

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The most staggering figure in my opinion: “6 people own 59% of the entire wealth of the community.”

It’s definitely worth a look, even if you’ve already seen it.

Learn more about it at the Miniature Earth project website.

Founding Editor
  1. Sweet Video Mike. Thanks!!

    6 people own 59% of the entire wealth of the community- Unreal! There is no reason for this…

  2. Leftist populism mostly.
    And seems like prepared for stupid Westerners who cannot think about %’s so they need a village of 100 residents to imagine that.


  3. % of people that have seen the video and STILL need a reminder to be grateful from time to time…100 %

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