With the staggering proliferation of blogs in the past few years, more folks than ever are getting into the writing game.
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One year ago today, we kicked off our A Guide to Better Travel Writing Series with 23 Essential Tips & Habits, including:
#2 – Nobody Cares What You Did
This is especially important for budding travel writers seeking publication (and all the inevitable fortune and fame attendant to all published travel writers). It’s not about your own experience, but whether or not you can convey that experience in a way that’s interesting and engaging. A writer like Bill Bryson routinely takes the most mundane happenings and crafts narratives around them that will amuse even the most hardened, humorless reader. Remember that it’s about the story, not the actual event.
#23 – Be Passionate, Soldier On
If you’re a blogger, the bad news is that I can tell you from personal experience that everyone starts as a small fish in a very, very large pond. The good news is that many of those fish give up and die off in the first three months. Be passionate and don’t grow discouraged. Push through that initial phase and you’ll already be ahead of a large majority of other bloggers.
Check out the full post and share your tips and advice with us in the comments section!