If you aren’t a UK native, renting and driving a car can be intimidating. England is one of the few countries in the world that drives on the left instead of the right, and the amount of roundabouts can be stressful for young drivers. Follow these tips, so your car renting experience goes as smooth as possible.
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Age Restriction
There are always age requirements for a car rental service. In the UK, ages range from 17 – 25 but expect them to be in the upper limit of that range. There’s also a restriction on older drivers between 70 – 80 where they either won’t rent to you, or it will cost more to get behind the wheel. If you’re in any of those age ranges, check online or call the car rental place before making the trip.
Picking a Rental Car Company
Check online for the best rental car companies in the London area, and choose the one that suits you best. Some rental car companies come with some bonuses, like included heated seats, sunroofs, or cute vanity plates that help you find your car easier. You won’t need a lot of information to rent a car, either. Bring your ID, passport, and credit card, and that will be enough.
Left Instead of Right
The most obvious difference will be driving on the left-hand side, and unless you’re from Japan or the other 73 countries that drive on the left, this will pose a problem. It will take some time to get used to, but the laws aren’t that much different from driving on the right-hand side. Take a drive around the block to get used to it before taking on the highway, or roundabouts.
Not a lot of large cities use roundabouts, and it’s a shame because they’re a great way to keep traffic moving. Always yield to the right car, and keep moving while in the roundabout until you need to exit. Pay attention to what the other drivers are doing and pay attention to people merging into the roundabout, or you could cause an accident.
Although insurance will likely be the same if you’re from a British Commonwealth country (Canada, Australia), if you’re from the US, the insurance terminology may sound foreign to you. Learn about Third Party Cover, Vehicle Damage Cover, and Vehicle Theft Cover because the car rental company will ask you to pay for them.
Variable Motorway Speeds
First of all, the UK calls their highway a “motorway,” but it’s exactly the same thing with one major exception. The big difference between most highways and motorways is the variable speeds on them. The motorway will change speed depending on how much traffic is on it, and the time of day. For example, speeds may go down to 50 KM/H during rush hour.
Gas vs. Petrol
Most rental cars are either filled up with petrol (gasoline in the United States) or diesel. If you drive, it may be redundant but, don’t fill up your rental car with the wrong fuel type. If you’re confused as to which fuel your rental car takes – ask. If you don’t ask and you do fill up with the wrong type, it’s coming out of your pocket.