Carve-Your-Own Wooden Postcards

Carve-Your-Own Wooden Postcards

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Few things are more exciting that opening your mailbox to find a heartfelt postcard from a relative traveling half way around the world. But plain old paper postcards fade, crease and eventually break down over time.

Suck UK gets around that problem with the wooden postcard:

Wooden postcard ready for you to hand carve your own message of love. Send a truly unique card to the one you love. We suggest a good old fashioned heart pierced with Cupids arrow and decorated with the initials of yourself and the object of your affections! Soft and lightweight, easy to scratch in your design (with keys or similar) and easy to post.

Yes – “hand carve”. It’s reminiscent of my high school days of yore when I professed my everlasting love to Suzie from chemistry class by carving both our names inside a heart on the oak tree near the school library. OK, that never actually happened. But it could’ve.

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