Mom Cries Foul After Being Forbidden to Smoke Pot at Theme Park

La Ronde © abdallahh

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Victoria Hollinrake has possessed a government-issued to smoke marijuana for medical reasons for more than four years. She uses it to treat a chronic nerve disorder that produces intense, sharp pains in her face.

She recently took her children to La Ronde amusement park in Montreal and part way through the day out she needed to take her medicinal marijuana. When she showed the permit to a security guard and asked to be directed to a discreet place to smoke, she was told that she could not do so on La Ronde’s property and was advised to leave the park.

Hollinrake has now taken her complaints to the media, saying she feels she was treated unfairly and that La Ronde’s policy is discriminatory. Find out more about this from CBC News.

  1. You need to open your dictionary, and check the meaning of the word “fowl.” Next, check the meaning of “foul.”

    Then, give yourself a good smack upside the head, and edit your blog post.

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