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On November 23, 2007, a group of Canadians sat down to raise money for a children’s charity via a gaming marathon. Nothing novel about that you might think, except that the game they’ll play, “Desert Bus”, is so boring it’s never been officially released.
The road trip travel game comprises an 8 hour drive in real time with no rest breaks, no pause button (so you can’t go grab a snooze), and no pleasant scenery or screaming police sirens to break the monotony. Yes, that’s right: just 8 straight, long hours of driving through bleak highway. Once the player reaches Vegas, he scores the princely sum of one point at which point he turns around and heads back to Tucson — another long 8 hour journey – to be awarded, you guessed it, another point.
The Canadian comedy group LoadingReadyRun kicked off their marathon last month and two days later, had already overshot their target of $5000 by clocking in at $8000 for the charity Child’s Play. The marathon was broadcast on and viewers were able to call in and pledge money for the cause. The more donations clocked in, the longer the poor guys would play.
For those who wanted to support this snooze-inducing game fest, there was even a blog and live chat, plus DriverCam and BusCam feeds.