These days it’s one financial crisis after another. Just when you thought you could stop worrying about things like stagflation and fiscal geological formations, or take your mind off it with a hearty pancake breakfast at your favourite B&B, along comes Mapleflation.
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Before you even get past breakfast another ominous economic trend is at play. Pundits are expecting the price of maple syrup to rise in 2013. A turn of events that sounds like it could have been ripped from the pages of the screenplay for a new Bob & Doug McKenzie movie, has resulted in an uptick in prices of the precious commodity.
In the summer of 2012 officials at Quebec’s maple syrup reserve (that’s really a thing) discovered that an ingenious heist had taken place at one of its storehouses when many of the barrels turned out to be empty. Apparently thieves had rented the adjacent unit and infiltrated the facility, surreptitiously siphoning off 720,000 gallons of syrup undetected for months. Mounties have arrested 18 sticky-fingered members of a syrup trafficking ring thus far.
Read more about this on Daily Finance