If afternoon tea at the Savoy and eyeballing artifacts at the British Museum aren’t sufficiently adrenaline-pumping for your tastes, then you may wish to sign up for a different sort of experience on your next trip to England.
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Several adventures from Wish.co.uk are proving extremely popular in this regard. Their SWAT Training Experience trains participants in the tactics used by elite police forces, while the Riot Training Experience takes it a step further and has participants wielding shields and batons to fend off Molotov-cocktail-wielding miscreants in a simulated riot.
Despite (or perhaps because of) their popularity, the programs aren’t without controversy. Critics allege that they promote hooliganism, leading the company to add a statement on their website reminding folks that their programs are just pretend and that rioting IRL is a crime (duh!)
Learn more about this on wish.co.uk.